I Want A 1980s Summer For My Kids

Remember back when kids roamed all over town on their bikes and spent endless hours playing outside with neighbors or at the pool, breaking only for meals and the (very) occasional check-in at home?

Remember when moms didn't have to organize the summer fun or chauffeur their kids all around to activities because the only thing on the calendar was a week of swimming lessons and a week of vacation bible school?

Remember when summer felt different than the school year? Slower? Less hectic? More restful?

Remember when kids were bored?

This is the kind of summer I had as a kid growing up in the 1980s and when I contemplated our summer schedule filled with camps, events, and a gang-ton of driving and organization by me, I longed for the simple, slow, boring summer of my youth.

So, we ditched the summer activities/plans/organization in favor of downtime, boredom, and memories.

I wrote all about our decision to have a 1980s kind of summer in today's Des Moines Moms Blog post. You can read it here.

And here's to letting our kids take a break from busy to work those boredom muscles. (And cheers to not having more to plan and organize!!)

Happy Friday!